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All dogs bred at Bucolick 

Here's a summary of all puppies bred here at Bucolick so far.  I'm finding that the instagram feed is currently particularly popular as a way for people to see my puppies.   I have linked the personal  insta for any of my home-bred dogs who have their own insta accounts.  About 3/4 of them do. The first four litters at Bucolick have produced some really lovely dogs. Health and pedigree information can be seen by clicking through to links to the Breed archive.  To date we have had 4 litters, a total of 27 puppies. 20 boys and 7 girls. 

The Seeds of Time Litter

 21 January 2024

Sire: Jukka      FIN CH Chelville Tapio.

Dam: Esky                    Bucolick Tavia of Tjanth.

There were 6 puppies in the litter: 2 girls and 4 boys. All pups were black tanpoint.  


The Seeds of Time Babies

Daddy Jukka would have been 25 years old when this litter was born. He died age 16; a healthy old dog. Ros from Theldaroy kennels had imported semen from Jukka in 2004. I am so thankful that Ros saw promise in this combination and was happy for me to use the last of Jukka's semen here in Australia. As befits the 'historical' old sire, this litter had a "Time Travel" theme and all puppy names have some connection to Time or Time travel in fiction, fantasy or pop culture.  Puppy names were: Sarah (Connor) from Terminator, Tavia (from John Wyndham 'consider her ways', McFly from 'Back to the Future', Eddy, from Hitchhiker's guide to the Galaxy, K9 from Dr Who, and Beedle from Zelda. 

Bucolick Stori Time 
Stori ♀ 女

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Story was a gorgeous flashy puppy, very sweet natured and friendly. She's gone to live close by in South East Queensland with the most loving family I could ever hope for. Thank you Stori's fam! you know who you are.  Storis insta link is active


Bucolick Seeds of Time
Toast  â™€ 女

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Toast was an independent and very vocal little puppy early on. I could find nothing wrong with her to explain her constant complaining. Not in pain. Just liked to yell a lot. "That puppy is going to be sent far far away"... I said to myself.  Not so. Toast was clearly a cracker of a pup in breed type and structure by the 7 weeks mark. She's now firmly part of the family and has surprised me by abandoning her early shouty behaviour and being mild and easy in temperament so far.  Mr Bucolick gave her the name. I take no responsibility for that. 


Bucolick Time Lord
K9 ♂ 男

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Hayley and fam in Melbourne asked for K9 from photos really early in the piece. Now as a breeder it's really hard to say yes to requests for a specific puppy as there are so many things that go into the choice. But in fact this easy friendly puppy was a great choice for a family. He's now Haku; such an adorable Miyazaki name.. how could I say no? 

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Bucolick Ocarina of Time
Diego ♂ 男

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Beedle was terribly cute and distinctive amongst the other puppies  with his one long white paw.  We have so many photos of his tubby puppy belly as he seemed to be constantly napping on his back, one white paw in the air. He had a cute white blaze on his belly and a heart-shaped black spot in the middle of that. Very adorable. He's gone to SA to be loved by Alysha and is now called Diego. Diego's insta link is active


Bucolick Space Time Continuum  â™‚ ç”·

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In every litter there's that one puppy that we call 'the dopamine puppy'. That's the puppy that is just a joy to cuddle, to hang out with on the couch and to generally just stare into your eyes and make you feel as though the whole dog breeding sleep deprived craziness is worthwhile after all. That puppy was Eddy in this litter. Many extra cuddles were had with this fluffy bundle of joy. He's now Ollie and is loved by Hannah. Hannah grew up with lappies so Ollie is an intergenerational lappie family boy now!  NB Ollies Insta link is active


Bucolick Mac to the Future   Rocket ♂ ç”·

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Mac was by far the puppy that most strongly resembled his father Jukka in head and body type. He is a compact and confident lad and so far it's been a delight to watch him grow.    I am keeping him in co-ownership with Jaymee and her gorgeous assorted spitz pack.  He's so far done really well in baby puppy classes in shows. At time of writing he's nearly 7 months old and I'm hoping he'll continue to really love coming out to shows and canine activities for years yet. Rocket's insta link is active

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Ghost 2023

The Cloud Castles Litter  

7 July 2023

Sire: Dazzle                  Orical Kullan Kastanjan

Dam: Ghost                  Bucolick Thuvia of Ptarth

The photo of Dazzle asleep on the couch looking ever so innocent seems fitting. The 2023 was "planned" with Ghost's full sister Freya.  Dazzle and Ghost had other ideas and gave Mel and me five creamy fluffballs to remind us that they never read any of the plans written on my website. Thank you to Lauren at Orical for allowing me to use Dazzle, and for giving me Dazzle's company for 5 months as a house guest on his QLD holiday. 

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The Cloud Castle Babies

This 'all cream' litter earned the Cloud Castles theme and all puppies were named after Ghibli characters from Howl's Moving Castle. We had Sophie, Turniphead, Howl, Calcifer and Markl. Huge thanks to Mel from Tundrai Kennels who raised these babies till 8 weeks of age when they came North to Qld to be with me.

Bucolick Pilvilinna
Crumpet  â™€ 女

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The only girl in the litter, Crumpet lives with Vader from the Barsoom litter, and their wonderful humans.  I am blessed with regular updates of her escapades and a gorgeous stream of photos. She's not far away in Queensland and I get to see her occasionally. If all goes well, she may have a litter of her own one day but only after she's ruled the house for a few more years.

Crumpet sq

Bucolick Manglewurzel
Mallo  ♂ ç”·

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Mallo almost stayed with me at Bucolick as his happy little face brought a lot of joy. He now lives close by and I hope to see more than a bit of him as he grows up. He was not at all eyecatching at 8 weeks when puppies normally go to new homes.  But over the next few weeks he really blossomed, making me glad that we kept these puppies on for a few extra weeks.

Mallo Turnip 14 weeks

Bucolick Castles in the Air
Esky ♂ 男

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Esky is the puppy that was the least like Mama Ghost but also not particularly like feminine Dazzle either. He is super fluffy and ruggedly masculine in features and I'm really looking forward to seeing him mature. He may throw back a bit to his paternal grandparents but we will wait and see.

Howl Esky 8.5 weeks

Bucolick Spires of Dalaran
Calcifer ♂ 男

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What can we say? Calcifer earned the hashtag #whyarentyouagirl and was just a tiny cute bundle of adorable fluff. The smallest puppy, he has stayed on with Mel and her partner at Tundrai kennels. This was a decision of the heart, not the head but I admit, if they hadn't made it, I was tempted to do the same.

Calcifer illegally cute

Bucolick Cloud Nine
Baci ♂ 男

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A delightfully relaxed and easygoing puppy. He was happy to be cuddled like a baby and snuggle in. He has nice conformation if only we can get him to have enough nervous energy and drive to want to be a catwalk model. Lying on the ground for belly rubs was more his forte.

Baci Markl 8.5 weeks

The Waterworld Litter 28/5/22

28 May 2022

Sire: Kodai            Theldaroy Beyond Question

Dam: Cheese        Orical Liisa of Finlandia

Kodai was bred by Theldaroy and I'm very grateful for Ros allowing me to use him for Cheese's second litter. He was on the young side for a sire but aside from that he was a suitable choice. Once again a big litter and Cheese's last litter overall.


The Waterworld Litter

We had a Water God Theme as we had just experienced 2 years of la Nina weather. Constant rain meant the Farm was lush, green and WET.  Ponyo, Poseidon, Cthulhu, Ukko, Taranis, Urashima Taro, Ahti and Jason were the puppy names whilst they were with me. 

Bucolick In Rapture at Theldaroy 
Bliss  â™€ 女

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One girl with seven brothers. Bliss lives at Theldaroy Kennels.


Bucolick Poseidon Adventure  
Vader ♂ 男

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Vader lives with Crumpet from the Cloud Castle litter and they both live with a wonderful family.

Vader 13 months

Bucolick Cthulhu Lies Dreaming 
Nukka ♂ 男

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This boy is just delicious. He lives in Melbourne with a best friend from Cockatoo Park, and of course his devoted owners.  I ended up moving him up to mains register and *ahem* having him collected as he's  brought some lovely features of his various grandparents together in the one happy dog.

Cthulhu Lies Dreaming

Bucolick Ukko
Ventari ♂ 男

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Tari has matured beautifully. He lives here in Brisbane and is the first lappie for his family. 

Tari 12 months

Bucolick Rex 
Rex  ♂ ç”·

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Rex was Taranis and inevitably was called Taranis saurus Rex for a while. He lives in Melbourne. A very flashy puppy from birth, he's another that has matured very nicely indeed.



Bucolick Urashima Taro
Yuki ♂ 男

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Yuki has inherited his father's tipped ears. He lives in Adelaide with a long term lappie lover and has a wonderful life there.

Urashima Taro_edited.jpg

    Bucolick Aquaman
     Bandit ♂ ç”·

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The biggest, most rugged puppy of the litter. We named him Jason after Jason Mamoa when he was a puppy. He is now bandit and lives in Brisbane with a lappie buddy from the Yobhonden big litter.


Bucolick Ahti
♂ 男

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An all round moderate happy boy, Loki lives in Perth with another lappie.

Loki in Perth
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Barsoom aka Bikkie Litter 13/11/21

13 November 2021

 21 January 2024

Sire: Inko                 Orical Kasper of Vantaa

Dam: Cheese           Orical Liisa of Finlandia

I was delighted to choose Inko from Orical for the sire of the first litter at Bucolick.

Cheese herself is bred by Orical and has been a delight to own. Thank you Lauren for both!



The Biscuit litter. 

The first litter at Bucolick. Every one of these puppies had a reason to be my favourite. Thank you to all the marvelous families who all keep in touch and give me a running photo/instagram show of the lives of these babies.  The pedigree names were all characters from Barsoom, but the puppy names when they were with me were all biscuits to theme in with their mother 'Cheese'.   Clix, Thin Captain, Sao, Cheds, Salada, Jatz, Baby Cheesus and Savoy.

Bucolick Thuvia of Ptarth
Ghost ♀ 女

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Ghost was one of three girls in the litter. A very calm puppy, she has maintained that trait in adulthood and remains on the quieter side for a lapphund. She is the mother of our third litter, the Cloud Castles litter and she lives with Mel at Tundrai Kennels.


Bucolick Jeddak of Helium
Moose ♂ 男

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Moose has a perpetual legacy as 'nibbles', the high drive bitey puppy, still unbeaten in reputation in my repertoire of mild, fairly easy puppies. His owner has been just fabulous and he's matured into a much better version of himself: His instagram reputation is way way worse than the mild chap he's matured to be.

Moose 17 months

Bucolick Mors Kajak
Magni ♂ 男

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Magni lives in Perth with two lappie friends including one from Deerlane here in Brisbane. 

Magni Mors Kajak

Bucolick Tavia of Tjanth
Esky  â™€ 女

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I have a soft spot for Esky. She normally lives with Claire at Tirnacu Kennels in SEQ and I'm grateful to be able to see more than a bit of her.  She was a terribly unattractive puppy: Tear stained, tiny, roughed up regularly by her bigger siblings. She blossomed as she outgrew her puppy days and turned into a beautiful bundle of joy. Esky has been hanging out with us at Bucolick for 2024 and is the mother of our Seeds of Time litter. 

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Bucolick Tars Tarkas
Rollo ♀ 女

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I still have his puppy photo here because he just smiled constantly as a puppy. Perpetually happy and people focused. Just an adorable lad. 


Bucolick Jeddack of Thark
Hermes ♂ 男

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An all round balanced and pleasing boy, Hermes lives in Brisbane.


Bucolick Dejah Thoris
Freya ♀ 女

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The last born puppy: I'd run out of bikkie names so Baby Cheesus she became. She lives in Hervey Bay  and is much loved. She may yet have a litter with us here at Bucolick

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Bucolick Woola of Helium
Loki ♀ 女

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I know I say they are all my favourite, but Savoy really was a gorgeous puppy. He lives in Brisbane with another lappie Buddy and his devoted family.

savoy loki 15 months 2_edited.jpg
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