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Semen Imports

News from Bucolick

There are exciting things happening for the future at bucolick. With semen for litters coming from Europe, some stud dog choices need to be made made years in advance. The reduction in air freight creates a level of uncertainty, and makes puppy-daddy shopping fairly exciting. When the future liquid nitrogen sires arrive in Australia I'll make web pages for them, but for now be assured that straws from some lovely dogs are on ice in Finland, and will arrive in Australia when transport permits.

There are exciting things happening for the future at bucolick.  With semen for litters coming from Europe, some stud dog choices need to be made made years in advance.   The reduction in air freight creates a level of uncertainty, and makes puppy-daddy shopping fairly exciting. When the future liquid nitrogen sires arrive in Australia I'll make web pages for them, but for now be assured that straws from some lovely dogs are on ice in Finland, and will arrive in Australia when transport permits.

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